Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am looking for Ideas for Specials.
They can be ones we have already done, or ones that God is speaking to you through right now.
But give me a long list as well as your story behind the song.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hymn # 106 Verse 3

There is no other way to describe my heart today, but as heavy with hope.
I feel this way because I have no other choice.
Something I am praying for is totally out of my hands.
If God does not move on our behalf there is no other way the thing that I as well as others are desiring will happen.
Some might say this is only a lack of faith. I say just the opposite.

I believe that God is at work on this issue right now.
And I know what Gods word says about this situation.
But my heart hurts for those who hurt, and its heavy because of the pain of Sin.
And more than that, when choices are made, they will be eternal.

As the old Hymn says, "Someone is Sinking Today"
and we stand in the gap with the Life Line.
We've thrown it out, will they grab a hold?

Friday, June 24, 2011

July Song List

July 3rd  Set One

Your Grace Still Amazes Me            

You are Holy (Prince of Peace)

Amazing Love (You are my King)

Hear us from Heaven

Hold us Together

July 10th Set Two

Hallelujah (your Love is Amazing)

You Said

You are my All in All

Jesus Thank You

Hold us together

July 17th      Set Three         

Happy Day (New) (Anthony)

Wonderful Merciful Savior

Be Lifted High

Sweet Jesus

Hold us Together

July 25th      Set Four
I stand Amazed (How Marvelous)                  Chris Tomlin

Complete                                                              Parachute Band

Amazed                                                                 Philips, Craig, and Dean

Hold us Together                                                 Matt Maher

July 31st      Set Five

He is Exalted

Only the Blood (New) (Guitar only)

Receive the Glory

For You are Holy

Any Questions or if your going to be Gone and you have a part in a song that week,
Please Let Anthony Know Earlier rather than Later so we can change the schedule.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things I learned from Sunday

#1 Holiness is the Most important thing to having True Worship. Other wise its just a group of unclean people playing and singing. (Karaoke)

#2 Confidence in the Song is next. Anthony and I have to do a better job of Preparing you to sing. Its not your ability but our lack of teaching that hinders you from singing out. This lack of Confidence causes you all to be tight on the platform and we feel it.

#3 Love of the Church is Crucial. It is clearly evident who loves the church and loves themselves. They sacrifice for Practices, they willingly give their time, they put others before themselves or they don't. If the worship team does not sacrifice, how can we sing about His in Truth.

When these things are a part of our Worship, God comes down, when not, He stays away.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Sunday Taught Me................

I learned a lot from our worship on Sunday and I am not sure if its encouraging or discouraging, so you tell me.

#1 I learned that we need order, but we need freedom.
During the second service it was almost as if the first three songs were enough.
Hallelujah, You Said, and You are my All in All moved me to the point of worship where Jesus thank you was Great, it was more than was needed.

#2 I learned that instruments are Extremely Important to the structure of the song, but that they too provide a form of bondage.
What I mean is that even though Crystal did an awesome job as did Ann, you guys sang the song and let the instruments accompany you. It was perfect because you knew what to sing, when to come in, and when to stop.
The instruments become a form of bondage when you follow them instead of working with them. This Sunday you worked with them. AWESOME!

#3 I learned that when People don't worry about People, People Notice.
Everyone worships God in their own way. Not everyone worships the Same. Some stand straight, some move, some close their eyes, some smile, some are more somber.
Watching you all this weekend it seemed as if while working the song together, you were worshipping God as individuals.
And people are noticing. One of our younger girls commented on how they love to see the freedom on the platform and its teaching her how to worship.

#4 I learned that even I have issues.
I worry too much about people and not enough about God.
While I love the songs, the styles of worship, and the freedoms, I still worry about how people perceive us when I should be concerned with how God perceives us.
Pray for Me

#5 I learned that I miss Anthony.
I miss His Energy, I miss His Ideas, I miss His Enthusiasm.
Its Great Having Him Back.

Couple other things:
No Practice Tonight for Singers as Sundays Songs are easy and we will practice Thursday night after service.

How many of you think that we might want to shorten up the Walk out Song by one chorus at the end? Go into Accapella one Chorus earlier?
Just a thought as it seems as if that last Chorus with Guitar is too much and takes us from worship? Let me know.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Things I learned from Practice Last Night

Just say NO to Drugs Ron. (They Affect the Slide Transitions)
When the Monitors sound dull, its Dave.
and Some Songs need to Die.

I love I have a Shelter, but it never seems to come together well.
We always seem to be fighting it.
So "I have a shelter" has no place in our Song list. lol

I also want to change the list up just a little
Here's the new List.

Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)
You Said (Message is Evangelistic)
You are my All in All (From Last Song to 3rd)
Jesus Thank You (From Third Song to Last)

Let me know what you think, PLEASE!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Song list for June 26th

June 26th
I stand Amazed (How Marvelous)                 Chris Tomlin
      ( I dont think we have ever done this one as it is a hymn but I would love to have   someone play the guitar and so if you need music let me know asap)

Complete                                                         Parachute Band

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)           Chris Tomlin

Amazed                                                           Philips, Craig, and Dean

Hold us Together                                            Matt Maher

Tell me what you think about this Song

Heres the Lyrics to Overcome

Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God's only son perfect and spotless one
He never sinned, but suffered as if he did

All authority, every victo-ry is Yours
All authority, every victory is Yours

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise, You overcame
Jesus, awesome in power forever, awesome and great is Your name, You overcame

Power in hand speaking the Father's plan
You're sending us out, light in this broken land

We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony, everyone overcome

[ Lyrics from:

Sundays Song Service

Hey Guys, Check out our work and critique it for me.
If you have problems commenting just post as anonymous and type your name on the end so we know who its from

Esther "Next Steps" on Vimeo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some Questions Our Worship Team needs to Answer Before Sunday

#1 Do I trust the Leadership of this Church? (if the answer is no you will have problems because you will not be able to obey the word of God in regards to Hebrews 13:17)

#2 Do I find myself attacking people who I perceive are better than me? (If so your insecurity issues will hinder your worship and our strength)

#3 Is there anything in my life that if if became public would disqualify me in doing this ministry? (When serving God publicly, your life is not Yours as your sharing it with us)

#4 Do you value your calling to serve God and His church over your gift? (If yes you will do anything at any time to move His church forward. If your answer is no, than you will think that you are entitled to serve believing that your needs and wants are more important than the call of the church to reach the lost)

#5 Would I attend this church if I was not singing? (If the answer is no, do this church a favor and get off the platform. You cannot serve a church that you do not love, Period!)

#6 Are you always telling people how tired you are, hard your day was, how difficult it is to show up to practice? (If so, Shut UP! Ministry is difficult. (Eph 6:12) Maybe you might want to get more sleep, enjoy your day off to rest and relax so that your ready to serve with Vigor! And if that's not enough, do something else in the church that does not require so much work for you.) (Whining Wears Me Out)

#7 Am I honestly giving God, the Church, and the community in which I serve my best effort? (2 Timothy 2:15)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amazing Practice last Night!

What a turn around.
You went from "beat down" to "up beat" in 2 hours.
It was great to see you all having fun while working hard.

So this morning I ask this of you.

Pray for Thursday nights worship service.
Its opportunity to Bring God down to us is shorter which means it needs MORE prayer and MORE personal Preparation to bring about MORE Power.

We will be singing Your Grace Still Amazes Me and Hear us from Heaven.
Two very Powerful songs if we can pull them off.

See you Thursday - 5:45 in place