Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Things I learned from Practice Last Night

Just say NO to Drugs Ron. (They Affect the Slide Transitions)
When the Monitors sound dull, its Dave.
and Some Songs need to Die.

I love I have a Shelter, but it never seems to come together well.
We always seem to be fighting it.
So "I have a shelter" has no place in our Song list. lol

I also want to change the list up just a little
Here's the new List.

Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)
You Said (Message is Evangelistic)
You are my All in All (From Last Song to 3rd)
Jesus Thank You (From Third Song to Last)

Let me know what you think, PLEASE!


  1. seriously...have been singing and humming I have a shelter around work all day today...perhaps God gave it to you for me to reflect upon, you are right...good song, wrong voices it has never been a good group song unfortunately probably because it is a personal cry...testimony. The line up looks powerful, probably need to spend sometime practicing before or after Thursday nights message have a great day Kisom

  2. I liked "I Have A Shelter" best when Khayla did it as a special! :)

  3. I love the song I have a Shelter, but I agree with you, there is always something off with it, we can never seem to all come together on it. And I agree with DJ, i love it when Khayla sings it as a special. :) I also like the new lineup of songs. ~ Michelle Finn

  4. I agree...I hear Khayla singing in my head when I humm I have a Shelter...
